McCarroll, Pamela R.

Pam McCarroll 2017-cropped.jpg
College: Emmanuel College
Degrees: PhD (St. Michael's)
Phone: 416-585-4549
Teaching Category:
Regular Tenure Stream
Appointment Status:
Basic Degree


Pamela McCarroll serves as the Jane and Geoffrey Martin Chair in Practical Theology. She joined the faculty at Emmanuel College in 2016 after teaching in the area of pastoral theology for several years at Knox College and, prior to that, serving as a Spiritual Care Educator and Director at hospitals in Toronto and Hamilton. Pam’s major research and teaching areas focus on the lived experience and possibility of hope in contexts of suffering. She is concerned with the intersections of suffering and hope in shaping healing practices and life together as communities and global citizens. Lately, her research focuses on the climate crisis and practical theology. She is recognized for her leadership in the field. She also teaches and publishes on inter-religious spiritual care and chaplaincy, spirituality and health, inter-religious spiritual care education, and methodology in practical theology.

Pamela is a Registered Psychotherapist with the CRPO, a Certified Supervisor-Educator with the CASC and an ordained minister of Word and Sacraments in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

  • Specializations

    • Practical Theology
    • Eco-therapies, eco-grief, eco-anxiety
    • Suffering, Hope and the Anthropocene
    • Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy
    • Spiritual Care and Counselling
    • Contextual Theologies of the Cross
  • Publications

    Books, Edited Volumes and Special Issues

    Articles and Chapters

    • “Ecoanxiety, Trauma and Habits Toward Hope,” Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability, Trauma and Resistance Issue, 4.1, Spring 2024.
    • This Changes Everything: De-colonizing Theo-Anthropology Toward an Earth-Centered Approach to Pastoral Theology,” Journal of Pastoral Theology, 33.1., 2023. (R)
    • “Embodying Theology: Trauma Theory, Climate Crisis, Practical and Pastoral Theology,” in Practical Theology amid Environmental Crises, Religions Special Issue, Edited by Pamela R. McCarroll & HyeRan Kim-Cragg 13. 294 (March 2022)1-14. (R) – Featured Article, April MDPI Report. 
    • With HyeRan Kim-Cragg, “Introduction,” Practical Theology Amid Environmental Crises, MDPI Pubs., 2022, pp 2-7. 
    • With Dagmar Grefe, “Introduction: Meaning Making in Spiritual Care,” Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction, Wendy Cadge and Shelly Rambo, eds. North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
    • ________________, “Meaning Making in Chaplaincy Practice: Presence, Assessment and Interventions,” in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction, Wendy Cadge and Shelly Rambo, eds. North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
    • Listening for the Cries of the Earth: Practical Theology in the Anthropocene,” International Journal for Practical Theology, 2020. (R)
    • “What are Humans for? Decolonizing Theological Anthropology in the Anthropocene,” Christian Theology After Christendom, editors Pamela McCarroll & Patricia Kirkpatrick. Minneapolis: Fortress/Lexington Press, 2020.
    • “The Future of Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy as a Profession in the Canadian Context,” Multi-faith perspectives in Canadian Religious and Spiritual Care, Canadian Multifaith Federation, 2019.
    • Keeping it Real: Decolonizing Christian Inter-religious Practice as an Exercise in a Practical Theology of the Cross,” Theology and Practical Life, Special Issue, Religions 10.3, 203 (March 2019), 1-13. (R)
    • “Love Rages and Weeps: Suffering and Holy Possibility,” Suffering and God, Concilium International Journal of Theology, 2016, vol. 3. Fall 2016.
    • With Tracy J. Trothen & William L. Pickett, "Transforming Knowledge: Empowering Spiritual Care Practitioners for Evidence-Based Practice,” in Thriving on the Edge: Integrating Spiritual Practice, Theory and Research, eds. Thomas St. James O’Connor, Angela Schmidt, Kristine Lund. Waterloo: WLS, 2016, 103-129.
    • “Taking Inventory and Moving Forward: A Review of the Research Literature and Assessment of Qualitative Research in JPCC, 2010-2014,” JPCC, 69.4: December 2015, 222-231.
    • “Hope Matters in Changing Times,” Faith Matters in Changing TimesTJT (Special Issue), 2015, 67-80.