Member College Libraries
TST students have access to TST's member college libraries, and students registered in conjoint degree programs also have access to the University of Toronto Libraries system.
University of Toronto Libraries is one of the leading academic research library systems in world, and the largest academic library in Canada. In addition to millions of books, the library system provides access to thousands of full-text electronic journals, and hundreds of online databases and resources. TST's librarians (listed below) can provide research assistance and instruction in the use of online resources.
The majority of theological materials are located in TST's member college libraries and the University of Toronto's John P. Robarts Research Library, the University's central humanities and social sciences library.
All holdings can be found within the University of Toronto Libraries' online catalogue.
Information on borrowing materials from a TST member college library, an affiliated member institution, or accessing special collections can be found below.
Quick Links & Resources
- U of T Catalogue: Best Resources for Christianity
- U of T Catalogue: Best Resources for Religion
- TST Guide to Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials
- TST Guide to Research and Writing
Libraries & Special Collections
Emmanuel College Library
- Karen Wishart, Emmanuel College Librarian | 416-585-4551
Knox College - Caven Library
- Joan Pries, Chief Librarian | 416-978-6090
Regis College Library
- Teresa Helik, Chief Librarian | 416-922-5474 ext 235
St. Augustine's Seminary Library
- Maryam R. Atrie, Chief Administrator | 416-261-7207
University of St. Michael's College - John M. Kelly Library
- Noel McFerran, Theology Librarian | 416-926-1300 ext 3472
Trinity and Wycliffe Colleges - John W. Graham Library
- Rebekah Bedard, Instruction and Theology Librarian | 416-978-4398
Conrad Grebel University College - Milton Good Library, Waterloo, Ontario
The Milton Good Library provides courses and research in Music, Peace and Conflict Studies, Mennonite Studies, Religious Studies, and Theology with print items and access to online databases. The Library is the major depository in eastern Canada of Mennonite publications and houses the largest collection in Canada of Anabaptist works - this includes the latest books, periodicals, and genealogies, as well as 16th century hand-coloured monographs, in multiple languages. The Mennonite Archives of Ontario, located within the library, collects, preserves, and makes available the unpublished records of Mennonites, Amish, and other related groups in Ontario.
Institute for Christian Studies Library, Toronto, Ontario
The 60,000 volume collection is centred on reformational and foundational studies, philosophy, philosophy of the disciplines, biblical studies, and the Calvinian tradition (e.g. Groen van Prinsterer, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, Dirk Vollenhoven, and Hans Rookmaaker). It includes collections of Herman Dooyeweerd, M.C. Smit, Bernard Zylstra and George Vandervelde. There are Dutch materials, dissertations from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (VUA), student papers, theses and dissertations, and faculty works. The library subscribes to specialized journals such as Faith and Philosophy, Fides et Historia, and La revue reformée.
A collection specifically on Faith & Learning has also been established. This collection is focused on materials which explore the relationship of Christian faith and intellectual scholarship.
Centre for Asian-Canadian Theology and Ministry
Knox College, 59 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2E6
The Centre for Asian-Canadian Theology and Ministry facilitates the theological education of leaders for the rapidly growing Asian-Canadian church in Canada and encourages their contribution to The Presbyterian Church in Canada. To facilitate this work, the Caven Library at Knox College includes a variety of Asian theological resources.
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
E.J. Pratt Library, Victoria University, 71 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7
The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS) is a research and teaching centre with a library devoted to the study of the period from approximately 1350 to 1700. The CRRS supervises an undergraduate program in Renaissance Studies, organizes lectures and seminars, and maintains an active series of publications.
Counter-Reformation Collection
John M. Kelly Library, 113 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
The Counter-Reformation Collection includes over 3500 volumes of primary source materials showing the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation up to the time of the French Revolution.
Forbes Collection
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 120 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
This collection represents the unaltered library of the Reverend James Forbes, a seventeenth-century Nonconformist Minister in Gloucester. The bulk of the collection is theology with an emphasis on controversial tracts: Anabaptists, Quakers, Papists, Socinianism, Pelagianism, Arminianism, Calvinism, justification, the sacraments, original sin, the Trinity, Sabbatarianism, infant baptism and episcopacy.
Knox College Collection
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 120 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
The Knox College collection is of exceptional scope, especially noted for its strength in the biblical, pastoral and historical fields, as well as an extensive collection of works particularly focused on reformed theology.
Lonergan Research Institute
Regis College, 100 Wellesley Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 2Z5
The Institute houses a complete collection of all of Bernard Lonergan's writings, both published and unpublished, as well as all available tape recordings of his lectures and critical studies of his thought.
John Henry Newman Collection
John M. Kelly Library, 113 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
The Newman Collection includes over 1000 volumes connected with the life and work of the nineteenth-century English theologian, the Saint John Henry Newman. It embraces virtually all the works of Newman (most in the first edition), published collections of his letters and autobiographical writings, works of biography and criticism, and works on the Oxford Movement and its associates.
Nouwen Archives and Research Collection
John M. Kelly Library, 113 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
The Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives and Research Collection documents the life and work of Henri J.M. Nouwen, Catholic priest and spiritual writer. The collection includes the vast majority of Nouwen's manuscripts and published works, as well as secondary material about him.
Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies Library
John M. Kelly Library, 113 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
Priority in collection development at the PIMS Library has always been given to editions of texts and archival materials and to catalogues of manuscripts held in libraries around the world. There is a special strength in medieval philosophy and theology; but the collection is also very strong in history, law, liturgy, and literature. The published opera omnia of every major medieval figure, as well as the great multi-volume collections on national and ecclesiastical history, are all available in the library.
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) Collection
Graham Library, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1H8
The SPCK collection represents the earliest library collection at the University of Toronto. It includes over 400 volumes, mostly theological, donated to Bishop John Strachan in 1828.
Trinity College Theological Research Guides
Graham Library, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1H8
The theological research guides are provided by the John W. Graham Library to give brief information on select bibliographies, highlights of the collections, and methods and tools for study.
Wesleyana Special Collection
E.J. Pratt Library, Victoria University, 71 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7
The Victoria University library owns one of the finest, most complete early edition collections in North America of the works by John and Charles Wesley. The majority of the collection came from the library of the Rev. Richard Green (1829-1907); the collection has been supplemented by critical and biographical works on the Wesley family. Digital images of a sample of Wesleyana items can be viewed by topic or by date of publication.