College | Emmanuel College |
Instructor(s) | Voss, Michelle |
Course Code | EMP1621HF |
Semester | First Semester |
Section | 0101 |
Online | No |
Credits | One Credit |
Location | Toronto (St George Campus) |
Description |
This course introduces Emmanuel College Basic Degree students to the project of theological education in a multi-religious setting. Students will solidify the narratives of their professional and spiritual paths within a variety of spiritual-professional paths, build relationships with their cohort, and connect with faculty in small group settings. They will learn about their own spiritual/religious tradition while engaging several of other major religious/spiritual traditions (including Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and traditional Indigenous understandings). They will consider their own and other spiritual/religious traditions through respective practices, yearly cycles and rituals. They will develop capacity in multi-religious cooperation and leadership in the public sphere. They will gain knowledge in intercultural competence and assess their own need for growth in this area. They will begin to develop their plan for spiritual/religious leadership in dialogue with classmates. |
Crosslisted to (1) | Theological |
Schedule | Tue |
Start Time | 17:00 |
End Time | 20:00 |
Hours Per Week | 3 |
Minimum Enrolment | 10 |
Maximum Enrolment | 60 |
Program Requirement | This is a required course for all entering Basic Degree students of Emmanuel College (MDiv, MS Mus, MTS, MPS) |
Enrolment Notes | This course is for entering basic degree students |
Additional Notes | Students will be required to organize 2 filed trips to diverse religious communities. |
Teaching Method |
Means of Evaluation |
Class Participation
Reflection Paper
Short Paper
Previously Offered | Fall 2021 |
Currently Offered | Fall 2022 |