Interfaith Leadership in a Multi-Faith Context

College Knox College
Course Code KNP1651HF
Semester First Semester
Section 9101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

In a post-Christian and multi-cultural society there is a growing need for interfaith leadership from spirltual leaders who are grounded in their own tradition but knowledgeable and respectful of the ways people experience God/Divine and/or adhere to diverse beliefs. Spiritual leaders are called upon to offer support and spiritual guidance to Individuals and with communities In times of crlsis, distress, transition and celebration. This course recognizes the importance of developing the knowledge, skills and aptitude of students who study theology, spirituality and psychotherapy. In order to provide leadership through public prayer, ritual and or ceremony. These are now considered essentfal skills for people who find themselves as chaplains, spiritual care practitioners, religious congregational leaders, social service agency providers, psycho-spiritual therapist and para church workers. This course will help students to understand the current rellglous and spiritual landscape In Canada along with providing a brief foundation to the major religious and cultural groups In the GTA and across Canadian society. Students will learn about the importance of developing rituals and ceremonies to bring healing and hope. We will work to confront our own biases. Students will learn about the contexts of leadership and how to reflect theologically and splrltually upon our practice

Schedule Tue
Start Time 18:30
End Time 20:30
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Program Requirement Meets the theology course for Knox BD, the diversity requirement for MPS, SCP Certificate and the multifaith dialogue from a Christian perspective at Knox
Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Reflection Paper
Book Review
Previously Offered Fall 2020
Currently Offered Fall 2021