Kloppenborg, John S.

John S. Kloppenborg
College: University of St. Michael's College, Faculty of Theology
Degrees: PhD (St. Michael's)
Email: john.kloppenborg@utoronto.ca
Phone: 416-978-6493
Teaching Category:
Regular Tenure Stream
Appointment Status:
Basic Degree


John S. Kloppenborg, FRSC, is a specialist in Christian origins and second Temple Judaism, in particular the Jesus tradition (the canonical and non canonical gospels), and the social world of the early Jesus movement in Jewish Palestine and in the cities of the eastern Empire. He has written extensively on the Synoptic Sayings Gospel (Q) and the Synoptic Problem, and is currently writing on the parables of Jesus, the letter of James, and cultic, professional, and ethnic associations in the Graeco-Roman world. He is one of the general editors of the International Q Project and holds a five year SSHRC Insight Grant on Associative Practices in the Graeco-Roman World.


  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC)
  • PhD, University of St. Michael's College
  • MA, University of St. Michael's College
  • BA, University of Lethbridge
  • Specializations

    Fields of Study:

    • New Testament / Early Christianity
    • Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

    Areas of Interest:

    • Social history of the late Hellenistic period and early Christianity
    • Synoptic Problem and Q
    • Parables, Passion Narratives
    • Papyrology, epigraphy, and interpretation of early Christian texts
    • Associations and elective cults in the Graeco-Roman World
  • Publications

    • James. New Testament Guides. London: Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2022.
    • Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Vol. 3 of Greco-Roman Associa­tions: Texts, Translations, and Commentary. Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die neu­testa­ment­liche Wissenschaft 246. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2020.
    • Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2019.
    • Synoptic Problems: Collected Essays. WUNT 329. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
    • Ascough, Richard S., Philip A. Harland, and John S. Kloppenborg. Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook. Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press. 2012.
    • Q: The Earliest Gospel. Louisville and London: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2008.
    • The Tenants in the Vineyard: Ideology, Economics, and Agrarian Conflict in Jewish Palestine. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 195. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2006.