Emmanuel College | Book Launch - "Soul Care for Self-Injury: Theological Reflection and Spiritual Care Strategies"

Date & Time of Event
Emmanuel College Chapel and Online

75 Queen's Park Crescent
Toronto ON M5S 1K7

Book Launch, Febuary 13

Soul Care for Self-Injury: Theological Reflection and Spiritual Care Strategies is a new book by Amy Panton, assistant professor of practical theology at Emmanuel College. Through a thoughtful theological lens, Amy explores the complexities of self-injury, offering insights and spiritual care strategies for those who support individuals on their healing journey. At the event, Amy will converse with Dr. Iris J. Gildea and Shauna Kubossek, discussing key insights from the book, followed by an open Q&A session. Attendees will have the chance to purchase copies of the book with a 10% discount. There will also be food and fun giveaways! 

Target audience: Spiritual care providers, psycho-spiritual therapists, practical theology students, youth workers, friends and family members of people who self-injure, members of the disability community, mental health researchers, social workers, and people with lived experience of self-injury. 

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